تنمية المناعة النفسية لتحسين معنى الحياة لدى عينة من طلاب الجامعة المعاقين بصرياً The effectiveness of a Counseling Program to Development psychological immunity for improving the meaning of life among a sample of Blind Students University

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


1 المنيا

2 الوادي الجديد


The present study aimed to identify the effectiveness of a Counseling Program to Development psychological immunity For improving the meaning of life among a sample of Blind Students University , the sample of these study contain Two group: experimental group (N=9) Students. and control group (N=9) Students, so that, this study depended on psychological immunity Scale, meaning of life Scale Prepared by)Hesham kamel 2020) ,the results show that The program has succeeded in the development of psychological immunity For improving the meaning of life among a sample of Blind Students University.

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