فاعلية برنامج ترويحي رياضي باستخدام السيکودراما للخفض من العدوان الموجه نحو الذات لدى طفل الروضة The effectiveness of a sports recreational program using psychodrama to reduce self-directed aggression Kindergarten children

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية




The current research aimed to design a sports recreational program using psychodrama for kindergarten children from(4-6) years, and to identify its effectiveness in reducing self-directed aggressive behavior among the research sample. The study sample consisted of a number of(30) kindergarten children in Damaris and Gardenia kindergartens in Minya city. The tools prepared by the researche were applied to them, represented in the aggressive behavior scale, and a sports recreational program using psychodrama to reduce self-directed aggression among kindergarten children.
The results of the research reached to the effectiveness of the recreational sports program using psychodrama in reducing self-directed aggression among kindergarten children. Children in kindergartens, centers and associations interested in the development of kindergarten children.

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