برنامج قائم على تصميم بعض النماذج المتحفية لتنمية الحس المعماري لدى طفل الروضة في ضوء استراتيجية التعلم البنائي A program based on the design of some museum models for the development of the architectural sense of the kindergarten child in the light of the constructivist learning strategy

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية




 The research aims to identify the effectiveness of a program based on the design of some museum models in the development of the architectural sense of the kindergarten child in light of the constructivist learning strategy. The researcher relied, in the analytical descriptive method, on the preparation of the tools necessary for research by looking at the Arabic and foreign references, journals, scientific periodicals, previous studies and defining the dimensions of the tourist culture and n beside conducting the exploratory experiments on research tools. The researcher used the semi-experimental method to apply the program interviews to the experimental group of kindergarten children sample. The researcher prepared a set of research tools, including: the pictured architectural sense scale for the kindergarten child, a card for observing the behaviors of the kindergarten children about the architectural sense and the program for designing museum models. The sample of the research consisted of (60) boys and girls of kindergarten children, ages ranged between (5-6) years, in Ahmed Zewail School Kindergarten, where they were divided into two groups, experimental one amounted to (30) boys and girls, and a control group of (30) boys and girls, The researcher used two, analytical descriptive and semi-experimental methods. The results of the research reached to the effectiveness of the program based on the design of some museum models in developing the architectural sense of the kindergarten child in the light of the constructivist learning strategy,  It also found that the effectiveness of the research program continues after a time period of two weeks from the application.

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