اختبار تشخيص الأطفال ذوى صعوبات التعلم قبل الأکاديمية فى مهارات اللغة الإنجليزية بمرحلة الطفولة المبکرة A Diagnostic test of Children with A Learning Disabilities in Pre-academic English Language Skills of the Early Childhood Stage

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية




The aim of the current research is to present A Diagnostic Test of Children with a Learning Disabilities in Pre-academic English Language Sills of the Early Childhood Stage and the researcher used the descriptive approach to determine the items of that diagnostic test، its validity and reliability were confirmed, and the researcher recommended emphasizing the importance of using a pre-academic diagnosis test for children with a learning disabilities. In English language skills in early childhood for the competent authorities such as: (Ministry of Education, Department of Kindergarten).

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