الأبعاد الشخصية والدينية المتضمنة في المسلسل الکرتوني بکار المذاع على اليوتيوب في ضوء رؤية مصر (2030)"دراسة تحليلية مقارنة" Dimensions of personal, religious, contained in the cartoon series Bakar broadcasts on YouTube in Egypt's Vision (2030)

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية




The current study aimed to analyze personal and religious values in the cartoon series Bakar broadcast on YouTube in all its parts in the vision of Egypt "2030", which emphasizes the renewal of religious and value discourse in line with the changes of the era, and to know the extent of the coverage of the parts of the series on the positive religious and personal values timelines related to the presentation of the series, through The researcher prepared the following Analytical Study Tools: A list of religious and personal values required by the kindergarten stage, suitable for the needs of the kindergarten child, content analysis form within the content of the literary work of the cartoon series the subject of the study.

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