فاعلية برنامج باستخدام أغاني الأطفال التلفزيونية في تنمية بعض مهارات الاستماع لدى طفل ما قبل المدرسة A program based on children's songs and measuring its effectiveness in developing listening skills for pre-school children

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية




Abstract of the research in English:
Objective of the study: The current study aims to:
1- Determine the listening skills that the child should acquire from the songs presented.
2- Preparing a program in children's songs and its impact on developing some listening skills for pre-school children.
Study Methodology: This current study uses the descriptive analytical method.
1- The analytical descriptive approach to describe the reality of what some TV songs present in terms of what they contain of listening and speaking skills and aesthetic sense.
2- The experimental approach based on a quasi-experimental design to measure the effectiveness of what TV songs present in developing some listening skills of a pre-school child.
Results of the study: The results of the study resulted in the finding of:
• Determining the necessary listening skills for pre-school children(5) years
• The effectiveness of the program in developing listening skills