برنامج إرشادى سلوکى لخفض نوبات الغضب لدى الطفل التوحدى A Behavioral Counseling Program To Reduce Tantrums In The Autistic Child

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية




Abstract of The research:
The current research aimed to identify the effectiveness of a behavioral counseling program to reduce tantrums in the autistic child.
The research sample consisted of(12) autistic children in the Egyptian Center for People with Special Needs in Minya City, whose ages range between(7:11) years, and their scores range on a diagnostic scale The autistic child(CARS_2) is between(30: 36 degrees), and their IQ score on the Stanford-Binet scale(fifth image) ranges between(75: 90 degrees). They were divided into two control and experimental groups, each of them consisted of(6) autistic children.
Research tools scale of tantrums for the autistic child, The behavioral counseling program, which consists of 31 counseling sessions aimed to reduce tantrums in the autistic children( the researcher's preparation),and a user guide for this program)( the researcher's preparation), the program was implemented with(4) sessions per week and the sessions varied between individual and group As required by the objectives of the program.
Overall,  research results showed the effectiveness of the behavioral counseling program to reduce tantrums in autistic children, the sample of the research, and its continued effectiveness even after the follow-up period and its duration(one month). The research also concluded with a number of recommendations and suggested research.