أثر استخدام تقنية الواقع المعزز فى تنمية مهارات الحس الإيقاعى واللحنى لدى طفل الروضة The effect of using augmented reality technology in developing the sense of rhythmic and curve skills among kindergarten children

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية




The research aims to determine the rhythmic and rhythmic sense skills that need to be developed in the kindergarten child, prepare a program using the augmented reality environment to develop the rhythmic and curve sense skills of the kindergarten child, and measure the effect of using the augmented reality environment in developing the rhythm and curve sense skills of the kindergarten child.
The researchers used the experimental approach with the quasi-experimental design for one group by following the pre and post test for its suitability to the nature of this research. She chose one of the classrooms of a major stage of(50) children, and(3) children were excluded for repeated absenteeism during the application period, so the total sample applied to them became(47) children.
To collect data on the research, the researchers used analysis of documents and records, a personal interview, a scale of rhythmic and gradient skills of a kindergarten child.
One of the most important results was the identification of a list of rhythmic and rhythmic sense skills suitable for a kindergarten child in light of the opinions of experts and specialists, preparing a list of rhythmic and rhythmic sense skills suitable for the kindergarten child, and one of the most important recommendations was to invite those in charge of the educational process to use the proposed program because of its ability to develop the sense of rhythm And the curve of the kindergarten child